Protecting Your Water
At Twentynine Palms Water District, we are committed to protecting the local water supply. This page contains links to documents and plans outlining how we are working to ensure your water is safe. The Board of Directors adopted the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan and the Water Shortage Contingency Plan at the June 23, 2021 Board meeting. The State of California Water Code requires water suppliers serving more than 3,000 customers to prepare an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) to promote water conservation and efficient water use.
The Groundwater Management Plan outlines the District’s role in the management and protection of the local groundwater, and developed an action plan to protect the quantity and quality within the District’s service area. The plan also assesses the current status of the groundwater basin and defines how to best manage the basin under local control.
Groundwater study of the Mesquite Lake Sub-basin
Here’s a few ways you can help guard our precious water sources:
- Use and dispose of household chemicals with care
- Reduce or eliminate herbicide and pesticide application
- Recycle used oil
- Contact waste management for proper disposal of medications
For information regarding disposal of hazardous materials, please call 1-800-OILY-CAT (645-9228).
To learn more about how you can help with water protection, click here.
Because Twentynine Palms does not have a central sewer system, each property has a septic system that is used to dispose of wastewater from toilets and sinks. In septic tanks, naturally occurring bacteria break up biosolids that settle on the bottom. Excess fluids go out perforated drain lines and leach back into the ground, where they are filtered by the soil. It is important that property owners maintain their septic systems by pumping the tanks periodically.
For more information about how to care for a Septic Tank, click here.
To learn how to avoid FOG-ing up your septic system, click here.