Board Election Information
As a special district, the Twentynine Palms Water District is accountable to approximately 18,000 constituents, who are represented by a five-member Board of Directors. Directors are elected at large from within the District’s 87-square-mile boundaries in the County of San Bernardino.
Serving alternate four-year terms, the Directors establish policies and procedures that are carried out by 24 employees under the direction administered by the General Manager.
There are three (3) seats up for election in November 2024. Candidate filing begins July 15, 2024, with an August 9th by 5:00 p.m. deadline. Candidacy documents can be obtained and filed through an in-person or online appointment with a Candidate Filing Clerk at the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters Office. For more information regarding the procedures for filing and running for public office or to make an appointment to file, please visit San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters or contact them at (909) 387-8300.