Our Demonstration Garden
In 2012, the District completed a beautiful demonstration garden showcasing lush and efficient native plants.
The garden is open to the public from 7:30 am – 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday for self-guided tours.
As the plants are native to the desert area, they are naturally drought tolerant and require little water making them the perfect addition to any desertscape.
By incorporating water-wise California native plants in landscapes, you can quickly improve your outdoor water use.
If you plan on creating your own garden, below are some drought-tolerant options:
Cacti and Succulents
Barrel Cactus | Beavertail Cactus | Desert Agave |
Hedgehog Cactus | Joshua Tree | Mojave Tree |
Mojave Yucca | Prickly Pear | Silver Cholla |
Bunch Grasses
Big Galleta | Deergrass | Desert Needlegrass |
Indian Ricegrass | Purple Three-Awn |
Perrineals and Vines
California Fuchsia | California Wild Grape | Coyote Melon |
Datura | Desert Marigold | Desert Senna |
Dune Primrose | Globe Mallow | Penstemon |
Prickly Poppy | Snapdragon Vine |
Mojave Sage | Mormon Tea | Ocotillo |
Bladderpod | Brittlebush | California Buckwheat |
Chuparosa | Creosote Bush | Desert Broom |
Desert Lavender | Desert Milkweed | Desert Saltbush/Cattle Spinach/Allscale |
Four-winged Saltbush | Golden Eye | Jojoba |
Paperbag Bush/Bladdersage | Rubber Rabbitbrush | White Sage |
Blue Palo Verde | Catclaw Acacia | Desert Willow |
Fremont Cottonwood | Honey Mesquite | Pinon Pine |
Screwbean Mesquite | Smoke Tree |